  • Splendid Chinese birthday
  • 2019-10-01 21:44:00
  • Splendid Chinese birthday (Figure 1)

    From 1949 to 2019 , between the fingers, New China ushered in its 70th year. China has grown from a poor and backward country to the second largest economic power today. 70 years ago, China was in a hurry, and 70 years later, China’s industry was prosperous !

    Splendid Chinese birthday (Figure 2)

    Looking back 70 years ago, China’s domestic and foreign troubles at that time were poor and backward. It was not until1949 that the founding of New China was held that it marked the end of China’s humiliating history of aggression and enslavement for more than 100 years, and truly became an independent country ! However, at the beginning of the founding of New China, China’s The economic situation and military strength are still in a relatively backward state. At that time, there was no ability to independently develop aircraft and tanks, so that most of the weapons and equipment used for military parade were purchased or recovered from other countries. Today's China, compared to 70 years ago, can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes. The Liaoning ship is rampant in the vast ocean, and the 歼20 is galloping in the blue sky. The 99 -type tank is galloping in the land of the motherland. Weak countries have no diplomacy. Having a strong military force means having a strong backing. They are the basis of our speech ! It has made China a certain voice in diplomacy internationally.

    Splendid Chinese birthday (Figure 3)

    On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China , Qinhuangdao Jinggong Green Building Integration Technology Co., Ltd. comprehensively promoted the modernization and upgrading of the construction industry, accelerated the pace of fabricated building intelligent manufacturing, and helped China manufacture 2025 to promote the sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry.

    With the rapid development of digital technologies such as cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, 5G , blockchain , etc., the “Opinions on Promoting the Sustainable and Healthy Development of the Construction Industry” issued by the State Council in 2017 pointed out that the comprehensive promotion of fabricated buildings and buildings Intelligent manufacturing level, accelerate the development, manufacturing and promotion of advanced construction equipment and intelligent equipment, accelerate the integration of BIM technology, realize data sharing and information management of engineering construction projects throughout the life cycle, and promote the construction industry to improve quality and efficiency. Digital and intelligent sweeping across all walks of life, building intelligence has officially risen to the national strategy, the construction industry into the digital intelligence era will be the trend of the times, unstoppable.

    China's progress and development are rushing forward , vast and unstoppable. We are united in our efforts , strive to makegreat strides, move forward boldly toward the grand goal , gloriously complete the lofty mission entrusted by the times , and build China into a prosperous, strong, democratic and civilized modern socialist country.
